Seasons: Rebecca Louise Law Exhibition at Compton Verney, August 2021

Created by Gillian 2 years ago

A special memory for me and others, including Ruth’s good friend Sharne, was visiting this amazing, small but perfectly-formed exhibition with Ruth.

She was very keen we went to see it at Compton Verney before the exhibition closed, and made it happen, even though we guessed she was not feeling so great at the time.

We shared funny stories about how the staff had been over-zealous in enforcing the ‘rules’ when she visited last time with Sharne. Apparently‘Cecilia’ had forbidden them to drink coffee in the place they wanted ~ she did not seem to count the wheelchair as a good reaason! For their choice! And we had similar experiences there ourselves… being roundly told off like school chidlren for not having the right sticker on.

But all joking aside,  it was an amazing, profound and very important experience - and gave us the chance to appreciate the beauty of flowers in a new way, to celebrate the changing of the seasons and to see how there is beauty in natural things as they fade and die. It felt as if Ruth was sharing something important with us. We all loved that so much of the exhibition used flowers we have in our own gardens, that we could name…made into something so memorable and beautiful.   

Just after we heard that Ruth had died , I felt a very strong need to look at the exhibition again and used the website for Compton Verney  and the artist, Rebecca Louise Law, to re-connect with what we saw. Sadly, we had not been able to take photos of our own experiences in the exhibition,  so these attached are from the website. Of course it is not possible to understand  the impact these flower sculptures made when you can walk through them and get up close.  Ruth enjoyed seeing them all from wheelchair height.

We contacted the artist, Rebecca Louise Law- and got a very postiive response from her team… see below 

Dear Rebecca Louise,

I visited the Compton Verney ‘Seasons’ exhibition less than a fortnight ago with my very good friend. 
She absolutely loved the exhibition- it really spoke to her. She had been once before with another friend and wanted to make sure we saw it before it closed.
I should say that this lovely friend, Ruth Wilman, who was in a wheelchair when she visited, already knew she was terminally ill. We expected her to have a few more months of enjoying life, but sadly she passed away this morning. Obviously we are all grieving and missing her. However, we know we want to make her memorial celebrations as positive as she was. Hearing of her sudden death today made me think immediately of her love for your recent exhibition- she said it was how art ought to be, and loved the connections you make  with nature and the thoughtfulness in your diaries. 

I am not sure whether it is appropriate to ask,  but I am hoping we can use some of your words in the memorial service we will be planning soon. Is there any way we can use some images from the Seasons exhibition too- have you any suggestions of how we could do that? For example is it OK to project some onto a screen from your website? 

I apologise if this request for advice/permission  seems unusual and will totally understand if you cannot help us. However, I am sure you will be pleased to hear how much pleasure and enjoyment we all got from your recent exhibition. It was a really memorable event and even though Compton Verney’s was a small exhibition in the grand scheme of things, it made more of an impression on us than any Tate Modern  exhibition we’ve seen. Ruth got so much pleasure from your work and found the way she could get close to and between the various hanging swathes of flowers,  even in her wheelchair, was a liberating experience.

So thank you for your art and for your thoughtful written words as well.

Kind Regards,

Gill, Tony  and Regan, friends of the lovely and much missed Ruth.

The reply came next day:

Dear Gill,

Thank you so very much for you message.

Wow, what an incredibly touching account of your experience with your friend Ruth at Compton Verney.

It simply makes everything we do worthwhile. To have been able to play a tiny part in what brought Ruth some joy in her final few days means a great deal to everyone here.

We are so sorry for your loss and will make available to you all that we have relating to the show at Compton Verney.

I’ve included our Operations Manager Kim in this mail as she will be able to provide you with the most up to date resources on ’Seasons’.

The exhibition itself was a real battle to actually realise due to cover restrictions etc but we pressed on despite this and it seems there was a very good reason why the perseverance was worth it!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this most difficult of times.

Warm Regards,


Andrew Law. Director.    Rebecca Louise Law

Some quotes from artist in the video above which resonate-  they reflect the words Ruth herself spoke about her experience of the Seasons exhibition:

The flower is one of the most incredible gifts on earth. A huge part of my work is about valuing what we already have, to open up humanity’s eyes. I just wanted people to value what we are given. So, in order to that, I have to frame Nature, and put it on a pedestal.

I love the beauty of the many hands that have made the exhibition…. 

Before I felt that art was only for the elite and was not communicating with the everyday person … but I felt it was my art and I wanted it to be for everyone…giving people a sense of ownership. 

Making something from our own hands that is part of something bigger …. These organic forms keep moving on and going on their own journey…

It’s about appreciating nature, valuing nature.

My parents taught me that most important thing you can get out of life is sharing your gifts ….and if you have a way of connecting with people, use it. 

The exhibiiton at Compton Verney is about Seasons, its  about the whole year, looking at time, looking at movement, looking at cycles of life…

The artworks are not there to forget, they are about things to remember.  We need to simplify things again … and I feel that that is pretty much what my art’s about, brigning people into a space where they can be with nature and feel “Oh my goodness, this is what the world provides….and this can stop you being cruel or afraid …..

And from Rebcca Louise Law’s journal words:

’A connection to nature every day puts life in perspective. It can simplify everything and give clarity…. As we journey together we need to listen, we need time to understand, we need to speak out, we need to know our neighbours, we need to look after ourselves and we need to look after the  Earth. Only using what we need, not what we want. ‘




